How Can You Support Us?

How Can You Help Support Everything We Do?


Planbee Support Sponsorship (12 Months)

Listed below are just a few ways how you can support our efforts


A certificate showing that you are helping to fund the maintenance, upkeep, and development of the apiary.

Annual personalised update of how your contribution has helped with photos.

A jar of raw honey from our apiary. £30pa



A certificate showing that you are helping to fund the maintenance, upkeep and development of the apiary.

A plaque with your name on which goes on a specific hive with a twice-a-year personalised update of how your contribution has helped with photos of your hive

A jar of raw honey from our apiary. £40pa



A certificate showing that you are helping to fund the maintenance, upkeep, and development of the apiary.

A plaque with your name on which goes on a specific hive with a twice-a-year personalised update of how your contribution has helped with photos of your hive

A jar of honey in the autumn from your hive

A honeybee soft toy           

A Planbee T-shirt £120pa




A certificate showing that you are helping to fund the maintenance, upkeep, and development of the apiary.

A plaque with your name on which goes on a specific hive with a monthly personalised update of how your contribution has helped with photos of your hive

A jar of honey in the autumn from your hive

A honeybee soft toy     



A Planbee T-shirt

A personalised guided tour video of your hive and what’s happening within.

Named on our website as a friend and sponsor of the apiary

A visit to our apiaries for the named sponsor and an hour’s inspection of the hives tour. Protective clothing is supplied with photos and videos as a souvenir. £250pa


Just giving page, direct debit or credit card donations coming soon. Contact us if you would like further information

Tel Carl 07931724164 or email 



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